Monday 26 November 2012

Pinhead larry - Patrick

Another funny Spongebob picture... and yess I am 16 and no I will never be too old for spongebob!


Spongebob & Squidward - Random picture.

Just thought I'd put a random picture on here of Spongebob.

"You like Krabby Patties don't you Sqwuirdward?"

Sunday 25 November 2012

Here we go.

Assignments are due in this week. I got my referral back from Mick, I think me and Dan were the last ones to get them back so we have a bit less time to do it, Mick was happy with my assignment but for some reason 2 guides were missing, I swear I done all of them but oh well. Bernie said that some people hadn't sent there assignments in so I sent them again, as you may have noticed (If anyone looks at this blog more than once) I have changed the background and just generally gone from grey and orange to black and blue. I think at the end of this week my timetable changes, I think it may be for the worse as on some days I finish at 5! Luckily I still have Wednesday off to study although I usually leave that for the weekends. College is going well so far and I'm not having any problems so it's all good. I'm going to post some more stuff over the week so keep a lookout and my next college post will be Sunday as usual. I think after this week we can stop posting on here but I'm going to try and do it for the next 2 years so I can look back. Thanks for reading, bye!

Thursday 22 November 2012

The Walking Dead Episode 5

Completed Episode 5 last night, kind of a wierd ending and it wasn't my favourite episode as it was quite short although a lot happened in it. It seemed like the episode was rushed as a lot happened in a short ammount of time. I plan on getting Hitman Absolution on friday which should be good .

PS: I have decided that my sunday posts will be about college, all of the other posts are just random stuff.

Monday 19 November 2012

101 pageviews

Today I achieved 101 pageviews! Thank you to all of my loyal viewers (Lol). Just finishing off some work and then home at 3. Keep watching and I'll put some more interesting stuff on soon!

Sunday 18 November 2012

Long time no see.

I haven't posted on here for a while, I guess I thought that other assignments were more important than this blog, turns out they're not. College is becoming normal now, it no longer feels as new as it was as I am getting used to it. I think this week will be week 9, at week 10 my timetable changes around, I think for the better. Thursday becomes the best day as I'm only at college for an hour and a half. Not much else to say really... Hitman Absolution comes out soon and so does The Walking Dead Episode 5, should be good, and expensive. That's all, I'll try and post something next Sunday.