Sunday 23 September 2012

The First Week

My first week of college

My first week of college was a bit of a rush, I was put into the lower course but just before I was told that instead of a D in maths I had been re marked and given a C, this now meant that I was qualified for the extended course. I started the lower course on the 18th which is a Tuesday, I was 15 minutes late for my first lesson because I rode my moped there and got stuck in traffic,  some students are driven by their parents so they can just get out of the car and walk to college, of course I couldn't do this. After this I left a bit earlier and weaved through the traffic to get there faster. So now I was in the extended course which my friend from secondary school was also in so at least now I had a friend in the class, I also met Ryan who Dan (My secondary school friend) had  met on the induction day. Everyone else in the class seems friendly enough and the teachers are fine, we always write a bit in the classes whether it's just notes or if we do a couple of pages on Microsoft word, we always have a laugh in the classes but we never stray away from learning.
I will post a link to my friends blog who is in my class, he is doing the same as me although I think that soon we will both start to just talk rubbish on here. Thanks for reading (Well, thanks to the two of you). Please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. I urge anyone who reads this blog to click the link at the bottom of this post, thanks for the mention Joe-mo :D
