Monday 3 December 2012


Wow! Just today I've had 30 views! I thinik that's a record.... for me, I'm sure there are others who get 30,000 views a day buy oh well, it's good for me!

EDIT: now 31!

EDIT2: 176 views all together!

Hitman Absolution

I completed Hitman Absolution yesterday and the ending is quite good but it seems that they will need to make the next game soon. I played their last game 6 years ago, that was Hitman Blood Money. Seems like it's time for a silent assassin ranking!

(Sunday Post) Finishing up week.

Hey, sorry i didn't post yesterday but I was kind of busy... downloading mods for the sims 3. This week is we are finishing off all of our work, I've got a small ammount of work to do for the bloggers guide which I will finish off now. See ya.